Doom Troopers fire effect

Doom Troopers has a cool fire effect on the title screen:

Animated GIF of the Doom Troopers title screen. It shows the game's title and the menu written on top of a metallic surface. The letters making up the "Doom Troopers" text are actually gaps that let fire show through from behind.

The effect is surprisingly simple: the foreground is high priority plane A (plane B is not used), with the Doom Troopers logo being transparent. The fire is low priority sprites (showing through the gaps)…

Two screenshots of the Doom Troopers title screen. The first screenshots is how the title screen normally looks like, with the title text looking like gaps through which fire can be seen. The second screenshot removes plane A (everything but the fire), revealing that the fire is actually explosion sprites.

…and in particular, they're the explosions used through the game, spawning at random locations behind the title logo. They only show through the gaps making it hard to tell their shape, which is why they look like fire.